
Jupiter Power announces commercial operations of 400MWh of dispatchable power in Houston and continued investment in 德州



[新闻发布]- Jupiter Power LLC ("Jupiter Power") announced today the achievement of commercial operations of 400MWh of dispatchable power to the ERCOT grid from its Callisto I battery energy storage facility in Houston, 德州. 这个新设施, 这将显著增加休斯顿的可靠供应, 零排放电力面临着创纪录的需求增长, is a product of the market-based improvements by lawmakers in recent years to add competitive dispatchable power to the ERCOT grid.  

The Callisto I 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Center is a 200MW/400MWh battery energy storage system located in central Houston, five miles from the Medical Center and ten miles from the Houston Ship Channel at the site of a former HL&P H.O. 克拉克化石燃料发电厂. The site can accommodate an additional 400MW/800MWh of battery energy storage generation.

“木星对将木卫一项目上线感到无比自豪,安迪·鲍曼说, 朱庇特电力公司的首席执行官. "This project responds to lawmakers' calls to increase affordable and dispatchable new generation in an area where people need more power. Callisto I is the first energy storage project at this scale in the City of Houston and will help meet Houston's growing power needs while also increasing resiliency from extreme weather events."

Callisto I represents Jupiter Power's expansion of large-scale operational battery energy storage projects outside of West 德州 and into Houston, 为城市提供清洁, 弹性和零排放的电力. 

"The announcement of Jupiter Power's Callisto I 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Storage project is significant and exciting for the region, as it's the first large-scale transmission-connected energy storage project in the City of Houston. This critical project will help address peak power demand and is another great example of our region's leadership in scaling and deploying impactful solutions for an all the above energy future,简·思特里克说, 大休斯顿伙伴关系, 高级副总裁 and 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议 (HETI) Executive Director.

“至关重要的是,德克萨斯州拥有多元化的发电组合,州参议员查尔斯·施沃特纳说, 参议院商务委员会主席, "Batteries play an important role within that portfolio to help address demands in times of need."

Jupiter Power是一家开发商, 老板, 单机运营商, 2017年成立的并网电池储能项目. Callisto I is Jupiter's ninth project in ERCOT, bringing its total ERCOT fleet to 1,375MWh. 2023年12月,Jupiter Power宣布收盘价为65美元.与第一公民银行提供200万美元的融资,为卡利斯托一号的建设提供资金.




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A Global Hub for 皇冠HGA010官方下载 创新: Highlights from the Inaugural Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Climate Startup Week 2024

Houston has become the hub for startups and companies looking to scale innovative technologies that are transforming the energy industry and advancing a sustainable, 低碳未来. 这个月, the inaugural Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Climate Startup Week 2024 successfully highlighted this mission.   赖斯技术与创业联盟, 哈里伯顿公司实验室, 绿城实验室, Digital Wildcatters launched the inaugural startup week in collaboration with the Partnership’s 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议. 本周,主要的皇冠HGA010官方下载和气候风险资本投资者齐聚一堂, 行业领导者, 还有来自世界各地的创业公司.   Over 30 events took place from September 9-13, featuring more than 100 speakers and 125 startups. 出席人数超过了1人,400人参加本周的主播活动, and additional events were individually organized by organizations and startups in Houston’s ecosystem.   “通过主办休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载公司 & Climate Startup Week, Hga010皇冠软件下载不仅仅是在展示Hga010皇冠软件下载城市的优势,Hga010皇冠软件下载还在积极塑造它的未来. 这一活动是促进合作的关键催化剂, investment and talent development within the burgeoning energy and climate tech ecosystem. This week is about demonstrating our commitment to that future and inspiring the next generation of energy innovators,Janice Tran说。,卡宁皇冠HGA010官方下载公司 CEO & Co-Founder 单击展开 Janice Tran,卡宁皇冠HGA010官方下载公司 启动活动, 由雷普索尔赞助, 微软和西班牙对外银行, 主持了几家休斯顿领先初创公司的炉边聊天, 包括Solugen, Cemvita, 卡宁能量和协同.   “Houston is at the forefront of not just energy innovation, but industrial innovation more broadly. 凭借过去几年建立起来的势头, it's the perfect time to showcase our progress and drive further advancements in climate solutions.——Solugen首席执行官兼联合创始人Gaurab Chakrabarti  单击展开 Jane Stricker, HETI和Gaurab Chakrabarti, Solugen Houston is home to more than 65 incubators and accelerators and over 260 cleantech and climate tech startups. The region continues to build momentum and is focused on attracting investment for this growing sector, 自2019年以来增长了577%. 根据Partnership的数据,已经超过了1美元.其中,清洁技术和气候技术初创公司的交易达175笔.  "Houston is uniquely positioned to tackle the greatest challenge of our time - producing more energy with fewer emissions. 这个城市是皇冠HGA010官方下载创新规模和机会蓬勃发展的地方. 作为创业公司和投资者的天然中心, 休斯顿在休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载和气候创业周期间实现了这一目标. 多年的积累, this event was launched to answer the question: Can the whole be greater than the sum of its parts? 过去的一周证明了这一点. Hga010皇冠软件下载期待在这成功的一周上继续努力.简·思特里克说,  高级副总裁, 大休斯顿合作伙伴和执行董事, 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议. 了解更多关于休斯顿如何引领皇冠HGA010官方下载转型到低碳未来的信息.

国际有限公司. 将总部迁至休斯顿,宣布在凯蒂附近建立太阳能工厂

维吉尼亚州-based TMEIC Corporation Americas has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Houston, 计划在凯蒂附近建造一个太阳能制造工厂.   该公司, 是日本TMEIC公司的子公司, 会在2025年3月搬到休斯顿的皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊吗, 同时在罗阿诺克设有办公室, 维吉尼亚州. TMEIC will also launch a state-of-the-art photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing facility in Brookshire. 144年,000平方英尺的设施, 预计将于10月开业, will be located near its existing power supply and medium voltage drive manufacturing plant in Katy. 最初, 该设施的年生产能力将达到9gw, 具有未来扩张的潜力. 该设施预计将创造300个工作岗位.   "We are excited to make these investments for an expanded presence in the Houston area with the relocation of our headquarters and the opening of our new manufacturing facility,人肉人S说. TMEIC美洲公司总裁兼首席执行官Bhatia在一份声明中说. “This strategic expansion underscores TMEIC's dedication to the renewable energy industry, 推进清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载技术, 维持稳固的客户关系, 在全球竞争的基础上,同时自豪地在美国制造.”    The 大休斯顿伙伴关系 played a pivotal role in attracting TMEIC to the region, 积极将太阳能公司引进休斯顿.    这一声明强调了休斯顿作为太阳能领导者的地位日益突出. 根据清洁投资监测, 2023年,德克萨斯州吸引了超过120亿美元的太阳能投资. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于这一增长的前沿, establishing itself as a prime destination for solar manufacturing companies seeking expansion.  例如, 可再生部分, 一家专门从事风力涡轮机供应链和翻新的公司, 选择Humble作为其新的零件再循环车间. 类似的, international companies Triveni Turbines and Imperial Star Solar have also unveiled plans for new solar manufacturing facilities in the Houston area.  了解更多关于休斯顿在太阳能领域的领导地位. 

